"A nice spot to put an inspirational quote or poem to help set the mood."

Left Column

Quaeque vos bubus veneratur albis clarus Anchisae Venerisque sanguis inpetret, bellante prior, iacentem lenis in hostem.

Iam mari terraque manus potentis Medus Albanasque timet securis, iam Scythae responsa petunt, superbi nuper, et Indi. Iam Fides et Pax et Honor Pudorque priscus et neglecta redire Virtus audet adparetque beata pleno Copia cornu.

Right Column

Cui per ardentem sine fraude Troiam castus Aeneas patriae superstes liberum munivit iter, daturus plura relictis: di, probos mores docili iuventae, di, senectuti placidae quietem, Romulae genti date remque prolemque et decus omne.

Quaeque vos bubus veneratur albis clarus Anchisae Venerisque sanguis inpetret, bellante prior, iacentem lenis in hostem. iam mari terraque manus potentis Medus Albanasque timet securis, iam Scythae responsa petunt, superbi nuper, et Indi. Iam Fides et Pax et Honor Pudorque priscus et neglecta redire Virtus audet adparetque beata pleno Copia cornu.


Slight Amnesia (v1.0)

This is what I come up with when I start flinging code around with no real objective or vision. My main goal was to focus on overall accessibility and broswer text-resizing being as painless as possible.

There's a flipside to this design with an alternate style sheet.

What's Under the Hood?

Slight Amnesia (v1.0) was tested in Windows with Firefox1.0.7, IE6.0, Netscape7.2 and Opera7.54 and was built with valid css and xhtml 1.0-strict and conforms to section 508 and a WCAG 1.0 A rating.

As is, download time for 56k is 3.57 seconds; ISDN 128K at 1.23 seconds; T1 at .29 seconds and weighs in at 16.9KB.

Better Living Through Open Source Design

This is an open source design originally developed for the OSWD community and is free to be used and adpated as such.

You're not obligated in any way to credit me if you use this design, but a link back to either or my website would be more than enough.

If you want to send me feedback about this design or let me know what you've done with it, please contact me through the OWD with the above link. Thanks and good luck.

Dead Text

Quaeque vos bubus veneratur albis clarus Anchisae Venerisque sanguis inpetret, bellante prior, iacentem lenis in hostem. iam mari terraque manus potentis Medus Albanasque timet securis, iam Scythae responsa petunt, superbi nuper, et Indi. Iam Fides et Pax et Honor Pudorque priscus et neglecta redire Virtus audet adparetque beata pleno Copia cornu.