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Be sure to visit these sites fof more open source goodies:

›› Open Web Desgin
›› Bulletproof Links
›› CSS Tinderbox

Just In Time For Summer!

This sporty little fixed-width, one-column design was built on a CSS Tinderbox template. It was tested on a Windows machine in Firefox 1.5, Internet Explorer 6.0, Netscape 8.1 and Opera 7.54 and should hold its own in a text browser.

It's using valid XHTML 1.0 (strict) and CSS with a WCAG-A rating.

This design is released under the creative commons license, so do what you want with it and have fun!

Header 2

Link Item

Like School In Summer...
No Class. This is my obligitory rant about how Internet Explorer is the worst browser you can ever use. Please use Firefox!

What The Hell Is That?
If you have any questions or comments about this design, feel free to contact me through OWD or my web site.