Kundalini Yoga
Destiny Awaits!
"The Destiny of Women
is the Destiny of the World" (Guru
Rattana, Ph.D.) -
is a unique and inspiring book, and one
which will uplift and empower women everywhere.
its pages you will find insightful wisdom
and affirmations, and powerful tools needed
to awaken your divine femininity, spread
your wings and fly to new heights.
the keys to transforming your life, your
relationships and the World!
Redesigned and
reprinted with a fabulous eye-catching cover,
it is the perfect Christmas gift for every
woman in your life.
are accepting your orders now. Shipping will commence
Are you searching to improve
your health and well being through the simple, natural and
proven methods of yoga? Kundalini Yoga is a safe and non-stressful
practice which promises immediate results. Cure your headaches,
relieve lower back pain, and eliminate anxiety, anger, cravings,
and depression within minutes when you practice a few of these
powerful techniques.
Kundalini Yoga, the most powerful
form of yoga available, is considered the mother of all the
styles of yoga. It focuses on awakening the Kundalini, the
energy of consciousness (serpent power or Shakti) which is
found at the base of our spine.
by Guru Rattana, Ph.D.
The arrival of
Yogi Bhajan in the USA was a revelation. Here
was a tall, imposing and charismatic figure in
a white turban, with a black beard and piercing
eyes, who was teaching the secrets of Kundalini
Yoga - an ancient technology from the East - that
had never before been revealed.
Practicing his
inspiring yoga sets and meditations could produce
the most incredible results, and quickly too.
more - books by Guru Rattana . . .
Kundalini Yoga - What is It?
Kundalini yoga consists of
ancient kriyas, or specially formulated sets of exercises
which were secretly guarded and passed down through the centuries
from yogi to yogi. It was brought to the West by Yogi Bhajan
in 1969.
Each kriya, or yoga set is
designed to target specific issues, allowing practitioners
to focus on exactly those aspects of their physical, mental
or emotional state that need work at the current time. Any
amount of time spent practicing - whether three minutes or
an hour a day - produces significant benefits.
a yoga set now!
A Complete Course - 8 DVD/Book Set
Specific, Immediate Results!
By consciously combining specific
methods of breath, movement, stretching, meditation, mantras
and relaxation, this practice promotes amazing immediate results
and insures lasting long term physical, emotional and spiritual
benefits. Kundalini Yoga
helps you look great, feel great, relax, enjoy life and live
in grace and gratitude.
As an integrated and authentic system of exercise, breath
control, and meditation that has been practiced in India for
millennia, it is safe, comprehensive, and simple. It promotes
physical health, taps and stimulates the mind's potential,
awakens consciousness and touches one's innermost being.
Anand (Bliss)
- Snatam Kaur
This superb new album
carries a message of profound bliss and
joy. Layers of keyboard, harmonium, tabla,
violin, sarod, bass and the dancing flute
of Manose create an incredible landscape
behind Snatam’s ethereal vocals.
Buy Now
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What's New
The Original "Power Yoga"!
Discover for yourself the
wonderful benefits of Kundalini Yoga. You will experience
benefits faster than any other yoga or physical practice!
Enjoy real results in as little as 5 to 11 minutes.
after a single 3-minute Kundalini Yoga exercise I
feel more energized and
more purified than I do after a 90-minute Hatha class!"
- RK Seattle (Hatha
Yoga Teacher)