About Us
Mariana E. Mendez and Associates
Buenos Aires - Argentina |
We are a team of professionals who are able to provide our clients with highly personalised services in the Buenos Aires area.
Mariana E. Mendez is the overall coordinator. She is a licensed Attorney and also highly knowledgeable of the history and sights that abound in the Buenos Aires area. In most cases Mariana will be able to handle your tourism or legal needs and desires. However, should your special interest or desire not fall within her area of expertise one of our range of associates is always available to step in to assist and guide you to the proper people or places.
For reservations, comments or any question you can always contact us through the following phone number or email:
Telephone:+ (54-11) 4781 5071
Mobile:+ (54-911) 6196 4872 / from Argentina: 15 6 1964872
baforeignservices@gmail.com |