God Signature Cell Healing
This is a technique we used in
the old Lemurian times.
I am practitioner and a teacher of this technique.
When someone comes to me with a physical problem I used my love
my light and vibration to help all the cells, DNA and cellular consciousness
to remember their Divine origin. I also bring karma healing releasing
and liberation from the rest of the bodies to make sure I go to
the roots of the cause of the problem and what ever the person is
ready to release and heal we do it. I bring healing to all those
situations and all existences where the issue was created so we
can heal it deprogram it and remove it and let it go. It is a beautiful
journey of Love Compassion Mercy and Glory.
I also share the tools and knowledge so one can keep doing it oneself,.
This is about empowering others and bringing forth their one knowledge
and self healing abilities.
Every person is in a different and particular vibration and I channel,
all what I have to do.
I feel very blessed for being able to hear Spirit and help others
and myself as well.
For more information about God Signature cell Healing you can click
on www.kirael.com
or visit about Carol Perry
section by Kirael
God bless you and Mahalo
Carol Perry
can contact Carol:
USA call to 310-838-5001 -Toll free: 888-613-1186.
E-mail: carol@healerliberator.com