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About the perfect health

Learning to deprogram and clear the illness at a molecular level, cellular level and others. Remembering how to co-create the perfect health. Stopping the premature deterioration. New communication paradigm between spirit-biology.

About who we are

How we co-create our lessons? Our energy biology and system.
The mother/father ancestral legacy, learning to release the inadequate and transform our reality. The family and the karmic ties.
Tools for the catalysis of karma, exercises of transformation and transmutation.
Remembering how to align, balance, integrate and calibrate our bodies.

About love and the couple

Releasing restrictions and bad experiences. Breaking love contracts and promises from the past and the old energy. Exercise and work about releasing karmic, personal and family debts. Co creating happiness in love, free of inadequate karma.

About abundance and work

Releasing economic restrictions and releasing what is not letting us attract abundance in life. Learning how to focus on the restrictions and the draining of the flow of money. The importance of loving what we do and doing with love what we are doing.
Co creating our perfect job. Remembering how to reconnect with our Divine Mission.

The co-creation

Work on pure intention and will.
How do we co- create our reality. Our contracts and our co-creations.
Centered in the now and here. Awakening to the connection with mother earth, the advantages of being unrooted and different ways of rooting.

You can contact Carol:

From USA call to 310-838-5001 -Toll free: 888-613-1186.
E-mail: carol@healerliberator.com

Diseño Silvina Fornaresio. Comercialización y Desarrollo Pablo Rival Oates
Rev. Carol Perry ® Healer, Teacher, Liberator - email: carol@healerliberator.com